About Us


Yes, you haven’t read this wrong.

The Beginning

Let me introduce you to three men: Geng, Neno and Arty, masters of their trade and over 60 years of hospitality experience between them.

Throughout the years, they love to eat out nearly every cafe, bar and restaurant Adelaide has to offer, but somehow they always come home filled with a sense of what should have been.

Geng, an expert in hospitality, believes service is too slow after running his own restaurants and staff.
Neno, a believer in the best produce Adelaide has to offer is shocked to see tinned products in use.
Arty, a self-proclaimed expert in authentic curry, was shocked when a curry with broccoli was presented!

The Challenge

After many disappointments we’ve challenged each other to do it better. Thus, a new idea was born, and ultimately a new challenge. A challenge to do better, to be better and to push each other to create the best Adelaide has to offer. With this, new roles were assigned:

Neno: head of research of homely Australian and South East Asian recipes and ingredients.

Arty: to master the older proven techniques of cooking to ensure tradition and flavour is paramount.

Geng: to fuse the traditional and homely ingredients and cooking styles with modern equipment, and to master contemporary plating without compromising flavour.

The Compromise

When three men put their egos to the side and acknowledge that their combined ideas can deliver exactly what they have been looking for “tradition-technique-flavour-presentation” the outcome is BO RARN.

Welcome to BO RARN (ancient), An institution where we are proud to serve traditional meals that pay tribute to its heritage and honours its “BO RARN (โบราณ)” roots.

Tradition & Contemporaly

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